State Agency CTR Advisory Board


To inspire effective strategies for managing traffic congestion, conserving energy, and improving air quality that enhance our economy and environment.


To improve the quality of life for people in and around our communities by shaping the policies that support the success of the state agency Commute Trip Reduction (CTR) program.


The State Agency CTR Advisory Group is a group of practitioners who collaborate with partners, peers, legislators, and constituents to advance CTR work in their respective agencies and communities. Advisory group members represent the Department of Ecology, Department of Commerce, Health Care Authority, Utilities and Transportation Commission, Department of Revenue, Department of Financial Institutions, Thurston Regional Planning Council, Intercity Transit, Department of Natural Resources, Department of Transportation, Department of Fish and Wildlife, and Department of Health and Human Services.

This group strives for transparency, engagement, and innovation, and welcomes new perspectives and ideas.

What does the advisory group do?

The State Agency CTR Advisory Board holds quarterly meetings, at which members work to create consistent guidelines for state-agency CTR programs; share best practices, lessons learned, and success stories; and collaborate on solutions to commute-related issues faced by state-government employees.

Meeting Notes:


To receive assistance on specific issues or questions about the state agency CTR program, please e-mail:

Contact us

State Agency CTR Program
Washington State Department of Transportation
PO Box 47387
Olympia, WA 98504-7387

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